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Open Meetings Policy


The New Mexico Medical Insurance Pool (Pool) Board of Directors adopted the following as its Open Meetings Policy for the year beginning at its annual meeting on March 22, 2024:

To see scheduled Board meetings for the year 2025, please visit our Board Calendar and Agendas page.

  • All Board meetings shall be open to the public and to members of the Pool.
  • Policyholders or members who have requested an appeal of a decision of the Administrator shall not have the right to present information regarding the appeal unless such right has been granted by the Board pursuant to the Pool grievance policies.
  • Discussions of any policyholders’ appeals shall not be open to the public or to members of the Pool and will only be considered in executive session by the Board.
  • Executive sessions of the Board will also be called whenever the Board determines that it is required by law to discuss the matter in executive session or whenever the Board determines that it desires to discuss the matter in executive session and is permitted to do so under the open meetings laws applicable to state agencies and boards.