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New Mexico Medical Insurance Pool Transition Assistance Fee

The New Mexico Medical Insurance Pool (Pool) Board of Directors have instituted a program that will provide a transition assistance fee of $300 to an agent that assists a Pool member transition from the Pool to other insurance. Agents may reach out to and assist their own clients enrolled in the Pool, or may notify the Pool of their desire to take referrals from members requesting assistance. The Pool staff will refer to brokers only upon request from a Pool member who is seeking assistance. Please note that the Pool staff is unable to provide lists of clients to agents.

To be eligible for the $300 transition fee, the member and agent must complete a “New Mexico Medical Insurance Pool Termination Request” and provide proof of successful enrollment through the New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange (NMHIX), Medicaid, or other comprehensive health insurance.

The agent must also have a current W-9 form on file with the Pool. When the documentation is verified as complete, the transition fee will be processed. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Pool’s Executive Office at 1-866-622-4711.

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To sign up as a broker, submit a W9 form with your first Application for Coverage, noting your contact information in the appropriate section of the Application. You will complete this section on every application you submit. You may also submit an ACH form if you would like your commission payments via ACH. By providing your contact information to, you can be added to the NNMIP Broker List.